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Reef "Surfboard" Sandals 涼鞋

The Reef Fanning Men's sandal with a bottle- opener sole (NT$1,880) were a great success. Now, Reef Sandals is introducing the men's UnLeashed Sandals, which are like mini foot surfboards. The shoe's "body" looks like a surfboard and the straps look like leashes. One of the straps features a pocket with a Reef fin key, which can also be used as a bottle opener. They cost NT$1,350 per pair, and you can purchase them at any department store with a Reef outlet. For information on Reef agents in Taiwan, call (02) 7720-8585

扇動人的涼鞋與瓶蓋啟子腳底(NT$1,880)的礁石是巨大成功。 現在,礁石涼鞋介紹人的被解開的涼鞋,是像微型腳衝浪板。 鞋子的" body" 看上去像衝浪板,并且皮帶看上去像皮帶。 其中一條皮帶以一個口袋為特色與礁石飛翅鑰匙,可能也使用作為瓶蓋啟子。 他們花費每對的NT$1,350,并且你能購買他們在所有百貨商店與礁石出口。 對於信息關於礁石代理在臺灣,電話(02) 7720-8585。

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Reef 今夏新款 鞋跟藏秘密?

海邊戲水或作日光浴時,一些隨身需要的小物件,無法放在身上造成不便,Reef 這款抽屜鞋(1,880元)在鞋跟處裝置了一個隱藏式的抽屜,可以放置如房卡/鑰匙、信用卡或零錢等小物件,鞋身鞋床採用親水性、人體工學設計的專利EVA材質,鞋底為橡膠材質,舒適耐穿。 

轉自:TAIWAN FUN雜誌http://www.taiwanfun.com/north/taipei/shopping/0805/0805NewProductsTW.htm

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